Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
Even after your first acupuncture treatment, you will likely feel improvement in your sleep that night. Acupuncture stimulates dopamine and serotonin release, and allows for more restful, deep sleep. Multiple sessions are recommended for long-term changes, to address underlying roots that cause chronic sleep problems, such as stress, menopausal syndrome, or energetic imbalances.
In addition, here are some things you can do to improve your sleep naturally:
- Unwind before bed – start turning off the TV, computer, and other distractions to begin quieting your mind;
- Spend a few minutes in quiet meditation right before bed, clearing your mind and breathing deeply;
- Moderate or eliminate caffeine in your diet, especially in the late afternoon and evening;
- Stay hydrated throughout the day and begin to taper off fluid consumption at night;
- Take up a regular exercise program to improve your daytime energy and naturally enhance fatigue at night;
- Stick to a regular sleeping schedule so your body gets used to a sleeping and waking routine.
- Take a recommended Chinese herbal formula to regulate imbalances that might be causing sleep troubles.