

Tempe Acupuncture - AnxietyIf you suffer from anxiety, you’re not alone. Anxiety is one of the most common emotional disorders that people experience. All of us experience situational anxiety to some extent – nervousness before your performance review at work, distress when your child is late getting home, or even restlessness in an elevator full of people. These are normal responses. That said, there are many of us who feel disproportionate amounts of anxiety or these feelings and symptoms seem to come on for no reason. “Anxiety” might mean different things to different people: nervousness, stomach ache, chest pain, palpitations and difficulty breathing, or even full-blown panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The great thing about Chinese medicine is that we believe the mind and body are intimately connected (how can they not be, right?) When something is out of whack in your body, expect your mind to be affected – and vice versa. Good news is, I can help. Through detecting energetic changes in your pulse and viewing your tongue (yep, stay with me here)…we can find out which pattern of imbalance your body is experiencing. In Chinese medicine, it’s often the heart and kidney systems that are affected.

Utilizing acupuncture points along the corresponding energy pathways, we can help your body restore energetic flow, treating both the symptoms and underlying imbalance. For a “Western” translation, think about the acupuncture needles stimulating the nervous system, activating the parasympathetic response (calming state) and affecting neurotransmitters like serotonin, which help us to relax and sleep.

You will be amazed at the sense of calm and well-being your treatments can bring, as well as improvements in sleep and energy. Better than Xanax or Valium, right? (Unless you enjoy the memory loss, depression, and disorientation that can come with these meds.)

I get the best results combining acupuncture with natural herbs and nutritional guidance. You’ll be smiling in no time!